Application to Become A Caregiver Please complete this form in full. Once completed, please allow for up to 72 hours for a reply from one of our recruiters to discuss your background and availability. Email What is your full name? What is your date of birth? Phone Number? Current Address Availability Do you have experience as a caregiver or direct-care worker? Yes No Not directly, but l know about it Other: Specify below Do you have a TB/PPD completed within the last year? Yes No - You will be required to get one within 30 days once you begin working. Do you have a criminal background? Yes No What is your highest level of education completed? No GED/ High School Diploma GED/ High School Diploma College 2-Years Graduated College 4-Years Graduated Master's Degree or Above Other: Specify below We need to complete 5 years of employment history. Who was your most recent employer and what was your job title? How long did you work for this employer? Please list the start date and end date. Please list a 2nd past employer: Company Name, Job Title, Start Date, End Date. You will need two professional references, non-family members. Please list the full name and phone number of your 1st Reference: Please list the full name and phone number of your 2nd Reference: When are you available to start? Send